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Is Remote Desktop Secure?

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Making remote desktop secure starts with choosing a proper remote desktop solution over RDP and VPN, and following these security best practices.

In recent years, attempts to bypass the security of a network via remote desktop have more than tripled. It is important to ensure that your remote desktop connections are safe and do not compromise the security of the rest of your system. Are you aware of the ways that you can guarantee that your use of such tools is safe?

Below, we have detailed information on how you can connect to a remote computer safely. We have also collected tips and advice on how to ensure that your organization has protection from such malicious actors. So, read on and apply the learning to your organization.

What is Remote Desktop Security?

Remote desktop security refers to the measures and protocols put in place to protect remote desktop connections from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other cyber threats. As remote desktop software allows users to connect to and control a computer from a remote location, ensuring the security of these connections is crucial to prevent malicious actors from exploiting vulnerabilities.

Key aspects of Remote Desktop Security include:

  1. Encryption: Encrypting the data transmitted between the remote and local machines ensures that even if the data is intercepted, it cannot be read without the encryption key. This protects sensitive information from being exposed.

  2. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Implementing MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to the remote desktop. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access even if login credentials are compromised.

  3. Access Controls: Setting up strict access controls ensures that only authorized users can access the remote desktop. This includes setting user permissions and roles, and regularly reviewing and updating access lists.

  4. Network Security: Protecting the network on which remote desktops operate is essential. This includes using firewalls, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), and intrusion detection systems to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic.

  5. Regular Updates and Patch Management: Keeping remote desktop software and all connected systems up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates helps protect against known vulnerabilities and exploits.

  6. User Training: Educating users about the best practices for remote desktop security, such as recognizing phishing attempts and using strong, unique passwords, helps minimize human-related security risks.

By implementing these measures, organizations can significantly enhance their remote desktop security, ensuring that their remote connections are as secure as possible.

Which Is More Secure? Remote Desktop, RDP, or VPN?

Many organizations use remote desktop protocol (RDP) or virtual private networks (VPN) for day-to-day work. However, a remote access solution, like Splashtop, is far more secure than RDP and VPNs, making Splashtop a better alternative to RDP/VPN.

RDP Access

First of all, RDP is not a new piece of technology. When it was first created, people used RDP if they needed to access a system’s computers without needing to physically be in the same room as them.

As such, IT managers made use of RDP to perform their daily tasks with the least discomfort. They could even perform many maintenance roles from a dedicated computer in an IT room or similar.

As network systems matured, it became obvious that such a system was open to abuse by malicious individuals. As such, IT staff started to add more methods of protecting it such as using firewalls or permission lists on the network, making them harder to manage and keep up-to-date.


VPN is not a new tool. It has its own flaws that are like those that you will find with an RDP, and its age means that they have been around for a long time.

In short, you need to be careful if you want to enable an employee to use a VPN to gain access to your internal system. This is because you have no way of knowing whether their system is safe or not in the first place.

Access security is only as strong as its weakest link, and if you have no control over one of those links, then it will forever be weak.

On top of this, you need to assume that the IT department has configured a VPN correctly. While every effort will be made to ensure that the VPN is secure, mistakes do happen and you cannot always have the assurance that it will keep people out.

Secure Remote Access Software

If you use a piece of secure remote desktop software, you can protect yourself from dangers more readily. A dedicated tool can work alongside your existing systems and is more likely to contain its own methods of securing a network.

Is Remote Desktop Software Secure?

Yes. While there are many secure remote access solutions available on the market, some are better than others. We recommend Splashtop remote desktop software. This piece of technology is one of the most secure on the market.

You should be aware that compared to VPN and RDP, Splashtop has many features that exist to keep you safe. These include:

  • App security – All remote sessions through the dedicated app receive advanced protection. This occurs via transport layer security, including TLS 1.2.

  • Encrypted remote connections – Splashtop’s remote desktop software uses advanced 256-bit AES encryption. This helps to keep any data transfer secure.

  • You can have the assurance that nobody can spy on the information and files that you access during a remote session.

  • Two-factor authentication – The Splashtop platform demands that you confirm who you are before logging in. This ensures that the correct person is connecting to the remote desktop at any time.

  • Device authentication – Before using the remote desktop software, you must register a specific device (or devices) that has access. If a different device attempts to connect, the device must be authenticated by the user first.

Remote Desktop Security Best Practices

There are specific things that you can do to ensure that your connection remains secure. When wondering how to secure remote access, the following is a list to help you check off each one.

  • Strong passwords – Force users to only have passwords if they fit a set of criteria. This may be both capital and non-capital letters, with at least one number and one other character.

  • Set up two-factor authentication – Make sure that people need to confirm their identity via a secondary method on top of their password. This may need their phone or could occur via another method if you have the technology.

  • Keep your software up-to-date – Ensure that all computers, as well as the systems themselves, are running the latest versions of the operating system. This includes installing any recent security updates to make sure that recent breaches are fixed.

  • Enable access management – Ensure that you have the policies in place to guarantee that the users accessing your system are the right ones.

Get Splashtop to Ensure Your Remote Desktop Solution is Secure

By now, you should have a much better understanding of how to ensure that your remote desktop software is as secure as possible. With luck, you also realize that what we offer is some of the best protection in the market. It is the perfect time to learn more about Splashtop security.

Try Splashtop for free to see how you can enjoy access to your computers from anywhere with a remote desktop solution that protects you.

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How secure is remote desktop software?

Remote desktop software can be highly secure if proper security measures are implemented. This includes using strong encryption, multi-factor authentication, and up-to-date software. Splashtop, for example, employs industry-leading security protocols to ensure your remote sessions are safe from unauthorized access and cyber threats.

How does transport layer security (TLS) protect remote desktop sessions?

Transport Layer Security (TLS) encrypts the data transmitted between your devices during a remote desktop session. This encryption ensures that even if the data is intercepted, it cannot be read by unauthorized parties. Splashtop uses TLS and AES-256 encryption to protect your remote sessions, providing a secure communication channel.

What are the signs of an insecure remote desktop session?

Signs of an insecure remote desktop session include frequent disconnections, slow performance, unexpected login prompts, and unusual activity on your network or device. Using a secure remote desktop solution like Splashtop helps minimize these risks by offering robust security features and reliable performance.

How does encryption work in remote desktop connections?

Encryption in remote desktop connections involves converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access. During a remote session, the data exchanged between the remote and local devices is encrypted, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential. Splashtop uses advanced encryption standards to keep your data secure.

How does device authentication enhance remote desktop security?

Device authentication verifies that only authorized devices can access the remote desktop. This process involves checking the identity of the device before allowing a connection. Splashtop enhances security by implementing device authentication, ensuring that only trusted devices can initiate remote sessions.

How do I choose a secure remote desktop software for my organization?

When choosing a secure remote desktop software, look for features such as strong encryption, multi-factor authentication, device authentication, and regular software updates. Splashtop offers all these features and more, making it a top choice for organizations seeking a secure and reliable remote desktop solution.

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