Securely Work From Anywhere With Remote Desktop Software
Enable your team to work from home with secure remote access software

Remotely Access Work Computers With Ease
Splashtop remote desktop software lets you access and control powerful work computers from any device–including Windows or Mac laptops, Chromebooks, iOS, and Android devices.
Once connected, you'll experience an intuitive user interface and quick, secure remote connections. It will feel like you're at your office workstation, even when you're not.
Splashtop is Trusted By Top Companies & Institutions

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Splashtop Key Features

High frame rate of 4K streaming up to 60fps and iMac Pro Retina 5K streaming along with 4:4:4 color mode, and high-fidelity audio enables an immersive remote access experience.

Broad Device Support
Stay connected on any device! Get unattended remote access to Windows, Mac, and Linux devices. Access from any Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, or Chromebook devices. Also access virtual machines and virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) on VMware, Citrix, Microsoft, Windows, AWS, Azure, and others, all from the same application. Just install the free Splashtop Business app on all the devices you want to connect from.

Easy Deployment
Create customized deployment packages and install yourself, share the install link, or mass deploy with msi or exe and distribute efficiently through GPO, Intune, JAMF, or an RMM.

Robust Security
Security is at the essence of Splashtop's operations and architecture. All sign-ins undergo mandatory device authentication and optional two-factor authentication. Sessions are protected with TLS and 256-bit AES encryption.

User Access Management and Computer Grouping
Invite users with a specified team role. Organize your users and/or endpoints into groups for more effective management. User/computer access permissions can be specified at an individual level or through group settings.